
Groups Speak Out Against Flim Flam Flanagan – Stolen Valor/Mail Fraud/Voter Fraud/Investigation Fraud


This letter was unanimously adopted by the BRT at our monthly meeting last night June 17th. Please see below as well as I have attached it to this email.


BRTC Statement on State Representative Flanagan

The Barnstable Republican Town Committee (BRTC) condemns the acts of
deception and ensuing lies that State Representative Chris Flanagan committed
to influence the outcome of the 2022 election. While professing a commitment to
Service, Honesty and Integrity, Chris Flanagan has proven that he is not capable
of delivering any of these much needed qualities to Cape Cod’s citizens.

While the regulatory agencies have fined him, The Democrat power base in
Boston has neither brought him up on ethics charges nor taken any action to
address Flanagan’s deceptions and lies. The citizens of 1st Barnstable deserve
better representation at the People’s House.

The Barnstable Republican Town Committee calls upon State Representative
Christopher Flanagan to resign immediately. Should he fail to do so, we demand
that the Massachusetts House Ethics Committee launch an immediate and
thorough investigation into his election violations.
Barnstable Republican Town Council
June 17, 2024




Last week, the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) made a damning announcement: Representative Chris Flanagan was fined for an egregious violation. Flanagan attempted to dodge the OCPF investigation, outright lied to OCPF agents and misreported spending—an affront to the very principles of transparency and integrity that underpin democratic elections. Flanagan concocted a deceptive scheme, fabricating a persona and email account to purchase misleading mailers titled “Conservatives for Dennis.” These mailers falsely touted Flanagan’s service, honor, and integrity, all under the guise of Republican support.

In the course of his deceptive scheme, he had requested the mailer from the company under a fake alias, “Jeanne Louise.” After it was sent out, he did not pay for it, leaving the company holding the bag. Unbeknownst to the company, “Jeanne Louise” was State Representative Chris Flanagan all along. When they reached out to Flanagan to sort out Jeanne Louise’s nonpayment, he ignored them to evade accountability, just as he did when caught red-handed by OCPF.

His deception appears to hold no bounds. In the mailer at issue, he implied that some of the individuals associated with his fraudulent letter were veterans, asserting, “Some of us are veterans, we fought to protect this country and our ability to vote, and it’s shameful that she has attempted to disenfranchise us,” in reference to his opponent. Exploiting veterans as a political tool to mislead voters, and possibly other veterans, is despicable.

What motivates such deceptive tactics from members of the Democratic Party, who already wield significant political clout in the Commonwealth? The attempt to hoodwink constituents about political affiliations not only smacks of dishonesty but erodes the very foundation of trust upon which our democracy rests.

Representative Flanagan’s professed values of service, honesty, and integrity ring hollow against the backdrop of his actions. While these virtues are noble in theory, their betrayal by Flanagan underscores the urgent need for accountability.

The Cape and Islands deserve leaders who embody the highest ethical standards, not individuals who prioritize personal gain over the public good. Flanagan has demonstrated a flagrant disregard for these principles, and his actions underscore the urgent need for accountability and reform.

As citizens, it’s our duty to demand integrity and accountability from our representatives. Representative Flanagan’s outrageous ethical breaches are intolerable. It’s clear that anyone willing to stoop so low for an electoral victory has forfeited the right to serve. Therefore, I adamantly call for Representative Flanagan’s immediate resignation and withdrawal from candidacy. The people of the 1st Barnstable District deserve better, and it’s time for us to demand it.

David J. Sampson
Cape Cod Republican Club

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