An yet another unmasking of schools and school committees and principles who enacted and enact mask and vaccine mandates, with no medical backup to support them, no peer reviewed studies/medical guidelines from the Department of Public Health. Just winging it, most likely on ‘feelings’:
Here’s the message we received from the Freedom of Information Act requester:
“Please help share this far and wide in MA. This FOIA response is the smoking gun we’ve been praying for.
MA DPH defers to DESE on evidence for masking kids in school and promoting 80% Jab rate for kids as condition to unmask.
Practicing Medicine Without a License, and a bunch of other illegal stuff.
This impugns MA DESE, DPH, and all the towns blindly following DESE.”
Good work. Has a similar FIOA been given DESE?
I believe so. Please get this article to as many people as you can
This was a public records request for state records. It has nothing to do with the Freedom Of Information Act, which applies to Federal Records. An actual journalist would know that.