
Wareham RTC Endorses John Gaskey For State Rep

Wareham RTC Endorses John Gaskey For State Rep
Even Susan Gifford’s Own Hometown Prefers Her Opponent
Primary Day is September 3


Have you heard the old adage that “familiarity breeds contempt”? It seems that would apply to 20-year incumbent Susan Gifford. Even though Ms. Gifford is, at least nominally, a Republican, she failed to get the endorsement on the Republican Town Committee (RTC) in her own hometown of Wareham. Instead, the Wareham RTC has endorsed my candidacy.


Trust is everything between voters and their elected representatives. When we go to Beacon Hill, there’s any number of important decisions that get made in closed-door negotiations. There are votes on issues that might not have been a focal point of the campaign.


Our system of representative government only works when people can be confident they’re electing someone who shares their values and will do the right thing.


Clearly, the Republican voters who know Susan Gifford the best don’t believe she shares their values.


As Ms. Gifford and I campaign for your support these next several weeks, you’ll find that she’s very well-funded. From slickly designed mailings to advertising, you’ll see and hear a lot of her. What’s in those campaign materials will be custom-designed to sound good to a conservative voter. The question voters will need to ask is whether or not what’s in those campaign materials really represents what she does on Beacon Hill—or if it’s just convenient election-year politicking.


Clearly, the Republican voters who know Susan Gifford the best believe her campaign materials are just empty platitudes.


I’m running for the State House because I want to see America First conservative policy brought to our home state of Massachusetts. I want to control state spending levels, and I want what we do spend to go on things like roads, bridges, and a better life for the legal citizens of the Commonwealth. I don’t want our tax dollars effectively going to human traffickers by spending on illegal migrants—something Ms. Gifford just voted billions of dollars for.


Ultimately, I’m an ordinary citizen like you who sees what’s happening to our state and to our country. I served in the Coast Guard for 23 years and I didn’t do that so I could watch Massachusetts and the United States be flushed down the drain. I’m not looking for a political career, and I’m certainly not looking to spend 20 years or more on Beacon Hill. What I am looking to be is a citizen legislator who has the best interests and values of his community at heart.


Maybe that’s why the Wareham RTC—the Republican voters who know Susan Gifford the best—have instead chosen to endorse me, John Gaskey, for the State House.


Circle Tuesday, September 3, on your calendar. That’s primary day. Early voting starts on Saturday, August 24. Tell your friends and family that John Gaskey is the man who will have their back on Beacon Hill.


Thank you,

John Gaskey

Candidate for State Representative



My campaign kickoff is next week! Please stop by if you would like to learn more about my campaign and show your support. Below is the invitation and here is a link to the Facebook event, please mark yourself as going:


Donate Online:

Donate via check: Make it out to the Gaskey Committee and mail it to:

“Gaskey Committee,162 Plymouth St Carver, MA 02330”

One Reply to “Wareham RTC Endorses John Gaskey For State Rep

  1. John Gaskey is not a credible candidate for State Rep. He espouses feel good positions that have nothing whatsoever to do with the responsibilities of a person running to be a State Rep. Things like America First Immigration Policy are federal level issues not state issues. His campaign has never explained how he can get any of the things he espouses passed in a heavily democrat state. Worse he distorts the record of a long serving, hard working and respected fellow republican. If John Gaskey wants to represent our district I suggest he adopt our values of honesty and fairness. As a Trump republican I’ll be voting for Sue Gifford because she is the ONLY candidate that will keep this seat in the republican column in November. In other words RESULTS MATTER

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