Mass. Congressional Race: “Close the Border” Burke Challenges Congressman Steve Lynch to Debate



“Close the Border” Burke Challenges Congressman Steve Lynch to Debate

The Democrats hold all 9 Massachusetts Congressional seats.

7 of 9 MA Democratic House members voted for appropriations that allowed the Federal Emergency Management Association to use tax dollars allocated for US disaster funds for NGO operations to funnel border crossers into the Massachusetts Shelter system.

9 of 9 MA House Dems have praised Secretary Mayorkas of Homeland Security, and Presidential contender and Biden Border Czar Kamala Harris.

So it would seem that Robert “Close the Border” Burke being one of only two Republicans to make the ballot and challenge a MA Democratic House member would attract some love from the state GOP and Boston media.  Not so.

“I’ve reached out to Amy Carnevale publicly on the X social media platform, formerly known as Twitter.  One of my supporters called her cell phone the week after the primary, and offered my cell phone number.  I still haven’t heard from Amy or anyone at the state GOP with any offer of help.  With friends like Amy, who needs enemies.

I’m not sure the Mass GOP really wants a full throated defender of sovereignty wandering around Massachusetts media, saying the only message that matters in Massachusetts right now: “Close The Border”.   I

f there’s any Boston media willing to sponsor a debate.  I’ll sit down with my opponent any time, any place.”

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