
What Happened to the Republican Committees on Cape Cod? – THEY NEED YOUR HELP!

We got it wrong, and have to let you know, that while many communities are STILL IN NEED OF ACTIVE Republicans, some are full up (but that doesn’t mean you can’t still help)….read below


Republican Town Committees exist for one purpose: ELECT REPUBLICANS.

They can have socials, they can do social media, websites, pie eating contests, parades, whatever, but their sole purpose is to ELECT REPUBLICANS (enroll Republicans, support Republican candidates in action and in finances, share what it’s like to be a Republican and why it’s important to vote for a Republican candidate.

Republican Committees in Massachusetts are allowed 35 regular (voting) members, and an unlimited number of “alternates.”

Traditionally, once the rolls are filled with active members, alternates come on board and help and at some point, they generally make their way into being active voting members of the committee (some members move, pass on, or change life plans and want to step back and take a less active role.)

Currently, on Cape Cod (and we’ll be doing all areas of the state), there are MANY open empty seats – WAITING FOR YOU TO JOIN!

There are two ways to join a Republican Town Committee:
1. Get on the Presidential Primary Ballot every four years
2. Show up at a meeting, get to know the members, and ask to be voted onto the committee.

See listing and graphic below, but keep in mind, these numbers are from the official Office of Campaign and Finance filing from April. Since that time, a few seats (or more) could have been filled. But, most likely if a community says they have 22 empty seats or 30 empty seats, or 16 empty seats, or 35 empty seats, well, YOUR help is most likely needed.

Sorry, but the Republican ranks are already polluted with too many liberal Democrat enablers.  It’s time to lose the toy elephant logo of the Mass. Republican Party and start acting like strong warriors.

  TOWN Number of Members on Republican Committee # Regular Members Needed to Get to 35
2 BOURNE 21 14
3 BREWSTER 19 16
5 DENNIS 32 3
6 EASTHAM 5 30
7 FALMOUTH 13 22
8 HARWICH 20  members + 7 alternates 15
9 MASHPEE 11 24
10 NANTUCKET 12 23
11 ORLEANS 13 22
12 SANDWICH 24 11
7 13 TRURO 10 25
14 YARMOUTH 23 12
16 MARTHA’S VINEYARD does not exist 35


4 Replies to “What Happened to the Republican Committees on Cape Cod? – THEY NEED YOUR HELP!

  1. Over the years, I have tried numerous times to join the Barnstable Republican Town Committee. Judy Crocker and Fran Manzelli (and now Willy Boy Crocker) blocked me from becoming a member each and every time. This includes during the 4 years that I was an elected public official (Barnstable County Commissioner, 2017-2021).

  2. Riddle me this Batman, there are two ways to join a Republican Town Committee:
    1. Get on the Presidential Primary Ballot every four years
    2. Show up at a meeting, get to know the members, and ask to be voted onto the committee.

    #1 has tax payers in Hudson paying on average $19,500 per election, (2- primaries, March, Sept, comes to $39,000)
    #2 costs tax payers nothing, so why is there is a #1?

    1. #1 A PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY takes place every four years.
      There’s little to no additional cost to have more names on the ballot.

      #2. It’s really simple: Let’s say you’re a conservative, and you want to get onto a Republican Town Committee.
      In many towns in Mass, liberals run the RTCs.
      So, you can’t get that team to welcome you onto it. So liberals rule the day.
      So, you run for office instead, by getting your name onto the ballot every 4 years, and get on. And while at it, get a few conservatives to also run.
      Slowly, take over these liberal bastions of Democrat enablers.

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