On July 22nd, reporter Valerie Richardson of The Washington Times contacted the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, seeking a comment from Executive Director C. J. Doyle regarding Catholic concerns about a possible Kamala Harris presidency.
Later that day, Doyle issued the following statement:
“Kamala Harris is a radical, left-wing demagogue who is even more aggressive in promoting abortion, and even more extreme in her hostility to religious freedom rights, than Joe Biden.
In 2016, when she ran for the U.S. Senate in California, Harris was endorsed by, and received campaign financing from, NARAL, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the Emily’s List PAC, and various state and national Planned Parenthood officials.
As a U.S. Senator, she received a 100% rating from both the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and the former NARAL Pro-Choice America.
While in the Senate, Harris was one of the original sponsors of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have imposed an all trimester federal regime of unrestricted abortion in the United States, nullifying all existing state and federal laws limiting abortion.
As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018, Harris questioned a Catholic judicial nominee, Brian C. Buescher, about his membership in the Knights of Columbus—the world’s largest Catholic fraternal order and charitable organization.
Harris wanted to know if Buescher was aware that the Knights opposed “marriage equality” and “a woman’s right to choose.”
This vile insinuation of dual loyalty—promoting the bigoted assumption that fidelity to the Catholic Religion was a disqualifier for federal office—represented a willful subversion of the explicit language of Article VI of the Constitution of the United States, which says, clearly, “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Harris was a Senate sponsor of the so-called Do No Harm Act, which would have nullified the conscience protections and religious liberty guarantees of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. She also supports the so-called Equality Act, which would, once again, eviscerate the RFRA, this time in the cause of gender ideology.
Enabling infanticide, Senator Kamala Harris, in 2020, voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She also voted, cruelly, against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
As Attorney General of the State of California in 2015, Harris co-sponsored, the Reproductive FACT Act, which mandated that pro-life pregnancy care centers—including those part of the religious ministry of a church—provide information about, and make referrals for, abortion.
The California law was struck down, as unconstitutional, by the U.S. Supreme Court in NIFLA v. Becerra.
The Biden Administration’s prosecution of pro-life activists was preceded by Kamala Harris’s decision, as California Attorney General, to prosecute pro-life whistleblower David Daleiden, for exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in fetal body parts.
As Vice-President, Harris became the first national office holder to tour an abortion facility.
She has endorsed the campaign by Democrat attorneys-general to demonize, restrict and ultimately suppress pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.
In addition to her abortion militancy, the Canadian educated Kamala Harris seems to suffer from a troubling incomprehension of the nature of America’s constitutional system.
She has not only shown herself hostile to First Amendment free speech and free exercise guarantees, and to the religious test prohibition of Article VI, but once suggested that state legislatures must seek “pre-clearance” from the Justice Department before passing bills related to abortion—a clear violation of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.
Harris even once delivered a speech on the Declaration of Independence without mentioning the right to life.
When it comes to America’s founding documents, whether the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, they all seem alien to the thinking, experience and aspirations of Kamala Harris.
From the destruction of the unborn, to the suppression of America’s constitutional liberties, to the erosion of federalism, a Kamala Harris presidency would threaten the continued existence of America as a free and civilized society, defined by the rule of law, and anchored in our traditions of nationhood.”
The Valerie Richardson article, quoting C. J. Doyle, was published by The Washington Times on July 23rd.