
The Time Has Come


The Time Has Come

By Kimberly Boobyer, The Conservative Mama Bear


The time has come to end the current reign of terror, by casting your vote for President Donald J. Trump this November 5th.  


The past four years have been nothing more than a period of remorseless repression, that came to steal the American dream, kill hope and destroy life.  The evil forces behind it slithered their way in, determined to silence truth and extinguish the light, by erasing everything that is good and beautiful from our midst. 


This current administration has weaponized its agencies to terrorize, including attempts to assassinate those that dare oppose them. 


What they don’t realize is you cannot terrorize someone who is fearless.  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, repeatedly commands us in His Word to fear not, be not afraid and take courage.  These commands require faith in Him.  


“Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo

The enemies of The United States of America a Christian nation, formed by those that feared God, have come once again. They believe that no one, not even an army can stop their deviant ideas; their globalist agenda and their bloodthirsty desire to reduce the “surplus” population.


My Scottish, American, Christian spirit cries out FREEDOM! 


FREEDOM is an idea whose time has come once again. Freedom will never stop coming as history has shown us.  No force has ever been able to stop it. It will always continue to come and overcome those that try to stop it. It comes through the spirit of those who inherently know and understand their God given, inalienable rights.  


Those who proliferate evil always think that their reign is endless, failing to realize that God, our creator, is Sovereign.  He is in control, and has already secured our victory against evil through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son’s death on Calvary.  


The most peaceful way to fight and secure our freedom in this United States of America, is for us to repent. We must return to our godly heritage: speak truth, protect and preserve life, truth, and beauty and VOTE for the candidate that most exemplifies and defends it.  


God states in Deuteronomy  30:19, “I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.”


It is our civic duty as Americans to vote.  Christians, do not neglect to exercise this opportunity to choose the party of life over the party possessed with death.  


Do not cower, in the face of evil by refusing to vote simply because you do not like President Trump.  


I urge you to vote for the candidate that most exemplifies truth and whose policies most protect life. That candidate is Donald J. Trump.   


Kimberly Boobyer and her daughter, Samantha, are traveling the United States in their RV on a grass roots effort, Quest to Save The Republic.  Go to to learn more about their advocacy efforts and ministry works.  


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