DCF Denies Fit Father in Favor of Foster Care

DCF Denies Fit Father in Favor of Foster Care

by Joan Quinn Eastman

Protestors Arrested While Supporting Dad Protecting his Baby from DCF Forced Covid Shot Face Retaliation

LAWRENCE, MA — On Tuesday, February 20th, two people who were among a small group of peaceful protesters outside the DCF office at 280 Merrimack Street were arrested by the Lawrence Police. Two women were assaulted in the process.

Shawn Nelson of Boston and Carly Downs of Watertown were arrested while exercising their first amendment right to free speech for “disturbing the peace,” according to Sgt. Mike Simard.

Video footage obtained by COMFLM shows Simard aggressively shoving Shannon Lewellyn of Lynnfield while, on his command, another woman is seized by two of his officers.

See video here: https://x.com/bostonbroadside/status/1760396247158931897?s=46

Two Lawrence PD officers can be seen forcefully wrestling Downs to the ground, shattering her sunglasses and scraping her face on the pavement to cuff her.


Carly Downs of Watertown was peacefully, protesting in support of a father, trying to protect his infant son from receiving the CVD jab,was brutalized by two officers who wrestled her down to the pavement breaking her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and scraping her face.

Boston_Broadside (@bostonbroadside) on X x.com

Nathanael Triplett at the protest to protect his son, Nate. It cost him his one weekly visit with the boy.

The protestors were there as a show of support for Nathanael Triplett, a young father who does not want DCF to force the COVID shot on his baby, Nate, this Tuesday, February 27th.

Dad wants his son back with family immediately.

The 29-year-old father filed an emergency motion to stop the shot on February 16th, but it was denied. Judge Karen Hennessy said  she “has no power over what DCF decides.” As a result, the DCF directive has now become a court ordered COVID shot. An emergency injunction is expected to be heard Monday the 26th, the day before the injection is scheduled at 7:45 am.

Without his father’s knowledge or consent, the toddler has received an estimated 25 vaccinations during the 7 months he has been in the care of the State. Concerned that this shot could endanger their child, both parents oppose it, which begs the question: Why is DCF disregarding their decision and imposing the shot on their child?

Baby Nate was hospitalized with breathing difficulties for several days at birth. According to his father, the 15-month-old continues to suffer from congestion issues. This could put him at higher risk for adverse allergic reaction to the COVID injection. Furthermore, the shot has not been proven to be safe, effective, or even necessary for children under 12, and it cannot lawfully be required or forced on anyone. Baby Nate’s own pediatric office will not administer it to children under 12. Triplett was informed that his baby would have to be taken elsewhere to have it done. Where that would be has not been disclosed.

“I have the right to care for and protect my only child,” declares Triplett. “Why is my son with strangers when he has loving family to care for him?”

Triplett with his only child Baby Nate

Despite being estranged from Baby Nate’s mother since before his birth, the North Andover father stepped up as primary caretaker for Baby Nate’s first 6 months.

At that time and due to circumstances unrelated to Triplett, the baby and his two half sisters, 9 and 11, were removed from the mother’s care by DCF due to safety concerns at the  maternal grandmother’s home where they were living.

Evidently, DCF instantly and unilaterally decided Triplett was “guilty by association.” They failed to follow the standard operating procedure of defaulting to the dad to care for his own child before placing the infant with strangers.

In his own words, hear from Baby Nate’s father, Nathanael Triplett here: https://x.com/bostonbroadside/status/1761839068793512014?s=46

The father was denied his right to take custody of his son before he was placed in foster care.  The toddler has now spent more than half of his short life with strangers rather than family.

In a further attempt to block the shot, Triplett filed for emergency custody on Wednesday, February 21st. Esteemed Attorney Philip Moran who represented the parents of Justina Pelletier in the high profile 2014 medical kidnap custody case, has agreed to represent Triplett to bring Baby Nate home.

It is Triplett’s firmly held belief that his child should not be subjected to the unnecessary risk associated with giving this shot to infants.

The Lynn, MA attorney emphasizes that U.S. Supreme Court and the state Supreme Judicial Court have “repeatedly said that parents have a fundamental constitutional right” to choose medical treatment for their children “without unjustified government intrusion.”

The baby’s father has made numerous inquiries of DCF and the pediatrician’s office about why the shot is being given, and who is imposing it. He gets no answers.

The Adoption and Safe Families act (ASFA) requires child protection service agencies to exhaust all family options before placing a child in foster care. Nathanael was not even given the chance. While the baby lingered in foster care for weeks, the Dad took the initiative to bring him home.

“My mother’s home was cleared for Baby Nate to live with me there,” recalls the 29-year-old Triplett, “but the judge said since he had already had difficulty adjusting to the foster home (big surprise), he would be better off staying there rather than having to adjust to a new environment. We are not a new environment.  We are his family and he belongs with us.”

In apparent retaliation for attending the protest to protect his son, Triplett’s one hour weekly supervised visit with his child was cancelled without explanation.

“My heart breaks 6 days and 23 hours a week,” says Triplett.  “They took my son, and now they took that precious hour from us, too.”

Also, and without explanation, Nathanael’s mother was informed that she is now required to have a police officer present while visiting her grandson.

Triplett recently met with Laurie McNeil, Head Supervisor of DCF Lawrence, who remained silent when he directly asked her these questions. McNeil also did not respond to press inquiries to comment on the same.

More on the Baby Nate Story and how you can help here:


Support for Parents here:
Protecting Children by Empowering Parents


Learn about CPS and know your rights: https://www.wethepeople2.us/cps/


One Reply to “DCF Denies Fit Father in Favor of Foster Care

  1. I worked in the Lawrence office many years ago under Laurie McNeil, Lori Ortiz, Olga Roche and others. I have seen all of these people commit crimes as is being done to Baby Nate. I cannot believe McNeil and Ortiz are still around. Roche was fired years ago for gross incompetence. The entire office is corrupt, save for a few good people still there. The best day of my life was when l was wrongfully terminated from there. I would not have lasted too much longer anyway seeing all the corruption around me. Do not let this agency ruin your life and the life of your children. Getting a lawyer is probably the best route. Somebody should also look into how employees adopt children and if it is being done according to policy.

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