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President Trump and Back the Blue Stand Outs – SWAMPSCOTT
August 23, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT
1pm to 5pm
49 Monument Avenue
Swampscott, MA
Sunday, August 23, 2020 1pm to 5pm 49 Monument Avenue Swampscott, MA Young, old, families and all interested in PRESERVING LIBERTY! JOIN US! Sadly, we are all being snookered by this Globalist and Fake, American Governor. And now, he has gone so far out over his ski’s! We ask you, “How long do you want to remain silent?” In the course of just a few short weeks, the MassGOP Leader, Governor Char-LIE Baker, puppet of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and other nefarious organizations, has managed to remove even more of YOUR liberty, all on his own! Char-LIE Baker wants to FINE YOU $500 for not wearing a mask, EVEN OUTSIDE! Now, there are talks regarding Defunding Our Police! Defunding the Police can only lead to one thing: A Nationalized Police Force! Our Police Officers have been spit upon, physically attacked, and even murdered! Their families have been harassed and threatened How far do we let this go on before we STAND UP and say, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!!” Wait! There’s more!!! MassGOP Leaders, Candidates for office and those already in office are outraged that we are protesting in front of Baker’s home. Many have said, “The Governor’s private residence and family are off limits!” Do these people even hear themselves? Governor Charlie Baker has been infringing on the rights of YOU and YOUR family for 6 months! Governor Charlie Baker and the DPH have now MANDATED flu vaccines for students in Massachusetts, removing parents’ rights to make decisions for their families or risk losing educational opportunities. Baker continues to trample on medical freedom… First, by forcing masks on us, and now driving needles into OUR KIDS arms; to be followed by an adult vaccine mandate, and then a COVID vaccine. Again, we either stand up for our Freedom NOW, or it will be too late!
JOIN US, on Sunday August 23rd, 1pm to 5pm 49 Monument Avenue Swampscott, Massachusetts right outside of his home! This is a PEACEFUL PROTEST! Bring your comfort items, coolers, chairs, signs, Back the Blue Flags, Trump Flags, American Flags and whatever you need. Meet with Fellow Massachusetts Patriots. Let the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Puppet, Char-LIE Baker, know that he has gone to far and we’re not sitting back and allowing him to continue to railroad us like this! Please SHARE THIS INVITATION FAR AND WIDE! It’s NOW OR NEVER! Say “NO” to Communism and “YES” to FREEDOM! Plenty of public parking! |