Yarmouth rally fundrsiser

Yarmouth Republican town committee huge rally/fundraiaer 5:40 - 7 pm   yarmouth house rest on rte 28  

Hyannis Candlelight Vigil to Feature 40 Days

Hyannis Candlelight Vigil to Feature 40 Days for Life National Leader and Former Abortion Provider World’s Largest Grassroots Movement to End Abortion Hyannis, MA – Dr. Haywood Robinson, former abortion provider who is now the director of medical affairs & education of the international peaceful, prayerful, effective 40 Days for Life project, will tell the Read More...

Lynne Santangelo for Mass. Republican State Committee

Lynne Santangelo for MA Republican State Committee oodpnSsrtetaA6p2lehMm6 06fc1b6iiSett5558 a 1t0gfe1t g9r:mgtf  · ' & ! Please join us for a great night including hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar and some wonderful guest speakers: - Geoff Diehl, MA State Committeeman - Lonnie Brennan, editor from the Boston Broadside - Teddy MacNeal, former candidate for Governor's Council

Cape Cod Marine Corps League 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon on October 22nd, at 1PM, at the Village Green in Falmouth. 

The Cape Cod Marine Corps League detachment 125 will be holding a memorial ceremony, to mark the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon on October 22nd, at 1PM, at the Village Green in Falmouth.   The attack of October 23rd, 1983 killed 220 Marines, 18 Navy sailors, and 3 Army Read More...