The November printed edition of The Boston Broadside (including The Star & The Cross) is in stores and has been mailed to thousands.
Our November edition comprises 40 printed pages, which include articles, letters, commentary from local and national writers and our readers.
Some items in this edition:
- SUNUNU’S POLICE STATE – by Jeffrey T. Kuhner
- Hundreds Gather to Celebrate Columbus Day, In Defiance of Boston Mayor’s Ban – by Domenic Amara, Ph.D., president Itallian/American Alliance
- The Bourne School Committee Channels the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 – by Atty. Robert Snider
- Sons of the American Legion Squadron 440 Honors Students and Retired Police Captain/WWII Veteran
- Veterans Day 2021 – 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – by Ted Tripp
- Republics and Democracies – by Hal Shurtleff, Camp Constitution
- Mad, Mad World – by Warren P. Russo
- Support and Defend the Constitution – by Blossom Stiefel
- Americans Fighting Back as Biden Mandate Upends Lives – by Beth Guidry Hoffman
- Israeli Study: Pfizer Vaccine Wears Off After Six Months by Abigail Klien Leichman
- Kooky Law – by Gregory A. Hession, J.D.
- Warnings and Threats or Bluster and Bluff – by Patrick J. Buchanan
- Stand Up for Secure Borders, Public Safety, and Law Enforcement: Reject Mass. Bills S.985/H1519 -by John Thompson, co-chair Mass. Coalition for Immigration Reform (MCIR)
- Opinion: Are Immigrants Afraid to Report Crimes? A National Survey Says No. – by Jessica M. Vaughan and Steven A. Camarota (Center for Immigration Studies)
- 80 Years Ago – Nov. 1941 (recap of the War, the Homefront, the Nation, the World) – by Ted Tripp
- Nominee Points Finger at China Over Counterfeit Meds – by Michael Graham
- LAFFER: Solution to the Redistribution Revolution Confusion – by Dr. Arthur B. Laffer
- My Church Youth Group Trip to The Jenny – Plymouth, Mass – by Diane Splitz
- Some Ideas Must be Debated, But Not Historical Facts – by Jonathan S. Tobin
- Speak Out! It’s Now or Never! – by Rabbi Yosef Y. Polter
- The Hundred Years War – by Len Abram
- Christian Group Defeats City of Baltimore in First Amendment Ruling
- The Real Reason for Western Support of the Palestinians (exposed) – by Melanie Philips
- Let Our Children Go: The Mark and Terri Stemann Story – by Tamara Leigh
- Democrats Push for Late Term Abortion Laws to Increase Profits of Abortion Industry’s Baby Parts Business – by Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr.
- Who’s Chocking Off Your Children – by Michelle Malkin
- Happy Columbus Day – by Catholic Action League
- Biden’s Bungled Border Security is a National Security Crisis – by Clifford D. May
- I Purchased Ammo, What Does All That Information on the Box Mean?
- The Forgotten History of Lt. Col. Cooper and His Impact on Combat Readiness – by Sam Jacobs
- Due Process Applied to People – by Catherine White
- New Hampshire Notes – by Di Lothrop
- Will Washington Inflict California’s Crazy Energy Policies on the Rest of Us? – by Ben Lieberman
- Thanks to the Executive Councilors Who Refused to Sell Out NH Sovereignty – by Russ Payne
- Are Crude Chants at Ballgames and Concerts Enough – by Robert Antonellis
- Budget Amendment Requests Top $1 Billion! – by Ted Tripp
- District Maps Adjusted, Again, and Again, to Elect Persons of Color – by State House News Service
- The New Victims of Cancel Culture: Science – by Star Parker
- Baker Oversees His Welcome – by Steve Aylward
and many more!
A few of the 40 pages:
Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM, Rittenhouse Now Guilty
November 20th, 2021 –
— In a stunning reversal, Kyle Rittenhouse awoke this morning to
discover that he had been found guilty after all.
Prosecutors explained that during the night, they had found
dozens of mail-in jury votes declaring the defendant guilty on
all counts. Apparently, boxes of these mail-in votes arrived in
a truck at the courthouse around 3:00 am.
Attorneys for Mr. Rittenhouse were dumbfounded as to how such a
thing could have happened, raising questions as to the validity
of mail-in jury voting. They stated: “We’ve never heard of this.
This isn’t part of the legal system. Where did these votes even come from?”
“How DARE you question the sanctity of our criminal justice
system!” cried the prosecuting attorneys. “There is no justice
until EVERY vote is counted!”
Prosecutors then explained that it was a new COVID measure they
had just instituted. “But given how well it’s worked out,” they
said, “we’re planning on making it permanent.”