
Why Did I Consider Voting for Someone Other Than President Trump?

My name is Kimberly Boobyer. I have a 19-year-old daughter with Down syndrome (DS). I reside in Naples, Florida. We are traveling the country advocating for homeschooling, the protection of children, parental rights, good nutrition to combat chronic disease, and so much more. She is the face and I am the voice for the vulnerable.

As a lifelong conservative, Republican registered voter, I had never considered voting for anyone other than a Republican. Enter in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For the first time ever, I was having mixed emotions as to who to vote for. I voted for President Trump twice, without hesitation. However, you never know what circumstances might arise that cause you to consider something you’ve never done before.

Thank God, I no longer have to be torn with Trump and Kennedy recently joining forces. Does it make me a RINO to have considered voting for someone that was a lifelong Democrat until this past year? I certainly don’t think so. I don’t agree with everything Kennedy espouses. I do believe I had intelligent arguments for him being a great candidate that was worthy of consideration.

I have a background in the Home Health Care/Pharmacy industry dating back to the late 80s. As a Home Health Care consultant, I did some amount of pharmacy tech work and administered patient education to include use of nebulizers for asthma, home blood glucose monitors and insulin injection for diabetics. I gave guidance on nutritional choices and was certified in wound care, DME, orthotic fittings and insurance billing.

My advocacy work began there, with my patients. Once my daughter was born with DS, in 2005, I was way ahead of the curve and well prepared to be her advocate.

Before she was born and I knew her diagnoses I had already decided to nurse her, to feed her a 100% organic whole food diet and to not vaccinate. I was all set up for a huge uphill battle, going against the power of the medical industrial complex.

Samantha, having DS and numerous chronic health issues only reinforced my decisions. My prior knowledge and witnessing of numerous red flags while working in the medical industry made me question everything. I was certainly not going to do whatever I was told without doing my own research. Well, that wasn’t popular.

I knew the gig, and it was up with me. I knew what a package insert was and I knew how most of the highly prescribed drugs worked. If I didn’t know, I knew who to ask and what alternatives were available. I also knew the relationship between pharmaceutical reps. and doctors. I knew that drugs did not cure but only masked symptoms. Dietary changes to provide the body with the best nutrition was my first choice for chronic issues and that was not regarded by most in the industry at that time.

I learned who Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was and the work he was doing. Work that was beneficial to everyone but especially my daughter. I had not vaccinated, and he had started speaking out boldly about the dangers of vaccines, the need for more thorough testing and the elimination of harmful ingredients.

He founded the Children’s Health Defense organization just two years after Samantha was born. Its purpose was to expose the dangers to our children found in our environment like fluoride in drinking water. Some researchers believe fluoride to be one of the leading causes of hypothyroidism which my daughter and I both have.

For decades Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as an environmental attorney, has been exposing the dangers of toxic chemicals. He has fought big chemical companies like Monsanto and effectively cleaned up the environment in places where others had negligently polluted it. He has done the research and fought the battles fearlessly, just like David versus Goliath. He has the knowledge and courage necessary to effect change. He is intelligent, poised, determined and able to make a tremendous difference in something that is near and dear to my heart. I believe his motives to be genuine.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was the ONLY candidate that was talking about the chronic disease epidemic in our country and discussing the root of the cause along with real solutions. That made me, a devout Catholic and lifelong conservative Republican voter, seriously consider voting for him.

Chronic disease, its causes and alarming growth rates should be an issue we are all concerned with because it affects everyone! I know because I am my daughter’s caregiver. Who will be left to care for the sick or defend our country when we are all sick?

Thanks be to God for President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. coming together as a united front for such a time as this! Let’s all take personal responsibility for our health and VOTE REPUBLICAN so that we can all help Make America Healthy Again!

For further information on my advocacy efforts or to support my cause, go to my website:  ♦


Kimberly Boobyer and her daughter, Samantha, are traveling the United States in their RV on a grass roots effort, Quest to Save The Republic.  Go to to learn more about their advocacy efforts and ministry works.  

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