Support Charitable Pregnancy Resource Centers That Save Lives

by Kathy Lynch
Massachusetts Republican State Committeewoman


Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) are under attack by the Massachusetts Legislature, governor, and attorney general. They are claiming that crisis pregnancy centers are “misleading” the public because they do “not provide abortion care or abortion referrals, contraception or other reproductive health care, despite what they may advertise.” They claim that PRCs “often try to delay scheduling appointments to push people beyond the point at which they can obtain an abortion.” (

They have launched a campaign to the tune of $1 million of taxpayer funds using social media platforms, web pages, billboards, radio and transit advertisements.

Misleading? Take a look at misleading language that proponents use like the clinical term “abortion” to steer the public away from what is being done – the destruction of an innocent human life. Proponents use terms such as “fetus” and “embryo” instead of “baby” for varying stages of human development.

The name Planned Parenthood is misleading. Parenthood? Planned Parenthood’s 2022-2023 annual report shows that they killed 392,715 babies between Oct. 1, 2021, and Sept. 30, 2022. According to an analysis by Liberty Counsel, Planned Parenthood’s numbers equate to destroying 1,075 human baby’s lives daily, 44 every hour. A profitable business, in 2022-2023, Planned Parenthood took in $2.9 billion. (

At a press conference in front of Women’s Health, an abortuary in Brookline, Massachusetts on June 10, 2024, Representative Katherine Clark said, “This awareness campaign will save lives, and I think it will be a model for states across the country.” (

A model to save lives?

Since the 1973 passage of Roe vs. Wade, there have been over 65 million innocent babies killed in the womb. ( We are living through a holocaust! Too many are persuaded by propaganda. In Massachusetts, legislators are hell-bent on continuing the horror for any reason whatsoever.

Here is a model that saves lives. Pregnancy resource centers are charitable organizations whose mission is  to save lives by offering support to mothers and babies who need assistance. They provide donor-funded pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, baby clothes, diapers, counseling and support for women, free of charge.

Let’s support pregnancy resource centers. According to, Massachusetts pregnancy resource centers banded together to create an Impact Report of 2023. The report listed 6,104 client visits, 1,725 pregnancy tests, 1,374 ultrasounds, and $512,400 worth of free items (e.g., food, diapers, clothing, etc.) totaling $1.5 million – all funded through generous donations by people who care and value the preciousness and sanctity of life.

About the author: Kathy Lynch is the Republican State Committeewoman for the Worcester and Middlesex District. Contact her at:



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