SAT. MAY 16, 2020 – More than 80 United Cape Patriots participated in a Trump / McMahon standout today at the Bourne Bridge Rotary on Cape Cod. Jay McMahon is a State Senate candidate for the Plymouth / Barnstable district where the event was held.
United Cape Patriots founder, Adam Lange explained why the grassroots conservative group has had events for five consecutive weekends: “We have no confidence in our governor to reopen our Cape economy. This is a guy who clearly violated the Constitution by closing our gun shops, which required a federal judge to force reopening them. This is a guy that tells us daily he is following the science, yet is planning draconian restrictions for beaches and ballparks, to reduce the death rate from a virus that impacts the elderly, primarily in nursing facilities.”
Lange explained that Barnstable County has a total infection rate of well under 1%, and never overwhelmed the local healthcare system. “Not only was the field hospital never used, Cape Cod Healthcare is now furloughing over 600 employees. The infection forecast for our community was seriously flawed, and the result has been an economic disaster.”

Jay McMahon is competing in a special election scheduled for Tuesday May 19th, and has developed an aggressive plan to recover the Plymouth / Barnstable economy as soon as possible. McMahon shared,
“Today I am now calling for Churches, places of worship and charter boats to be allowed to operate. Like you, I trust that the clergy will keep people safe. They have many options such as limiting the number of people who can attend and arranging spacing between seating. They can also hold more services to keep attendance low.
I also trust that Captains of charter boats can safely operate. This is their season. They will not survive if they are not allowed to operate. The Captains can limit the number of people onboard. It would really hurt our local economy if they are not allowed to immediately open.
We need more common sense at the State House. That’s why I am running.”

As summer Cape Cod homeowners, and returning to open our house, we never paid much attention to the Ma. Governor until listening to him on his reopening “plan” and different comments/ advice on the virus.Wow. What a wet noodle. The highest paid Gov. In the country.We are in bad shape.We live in NY and I thought Cuomo was clueless.Baker takes the cake!
How did the Republicans do in last weeks special elections.? Jim Lyons is doing a bang up job.
They both lost.
We didn’t see much activity from the MassGOP, nor Mr. Lyons.
Does anyone see the irony in the don’t tread on me crowd rolling in with army surplus trucks? I won’t even start on their dog selection, but only because it isn’t the dog’s fault.