
Jay McMahon Announces Endorsement of KARI MacRAE for STATE SENATE



Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am the Republican State Committeeman for the Plymouth & Barnstable District.  This cycle we have Republican primary elections.  It should be obvious that officials of the MassGOP should be neutral during Republican primaries. However, in this race, we see Mass GOP Party officials doing otherwise.

In my District, there are MassGOP party officials actually campaigning on behalf of one of the State Senate candidates.  It isn’t like those officials don’t have candidates in their own Districts that they should be worrying about, but here they are hoping to tilt the scales toward an apparent “choice”.  Since they are obvious about this, I am compelled to come out to support and endorse Kari MacRae.

I received a mailer the other day from her opponent, Matt Muratore.  I know Matt, he’s a good guy!  He gets along with everybody, and he easily goes along to get along!  He states in his mailer that he is a “TRUSTED AND TESTED CONSERVATIVE”. Well, his voting record says otherwise! He votes with Democrats more than he does with Republicans. Although Matt may have many years of experience in government, his record has shown that he has just as many years of making bad decisions for us! He’s not fighting for us; he’s just going along!

Matt knows that I have very serious issues as to recent positions he has taken, some are as follows:

·    Matt claims to be a Conservative, but just two years ago he was actively campaigning with Liberals, such as Democrat State Rep Kathy LaNatra, and Democrat State Rep Josh Cutler, who were both in jeopardy of losing their state rep seats to hard-working conservative Republican candidates. During that election cycle, Matt joined campaign ads for these Democrats against viable Republican candidates. Now Matt has a First Amendment right as a citizen of this great land of ours to endorse anyone he wants. But it is UNFORGIVABLE for a Republican official like Matt to actively campaign against fellow Republican candidates on behalf of Democrats!  Most Republican Town Committees have by-laws that throw people off their committee for doing just that! This is strike one!

·    Two years ago Kari ran for State Senate and won 44% of the vote against the extreme Liberal Democrat incumbent, Susan Moran.  Moran is as extreme a Liberal as Maura Healey!  It was a hard-fought campaign with Kari going door-to-door throughout the District!  At that time Matt was the State Rep for Plymouth.  Kari asked Matt for his endorsement.  Matt said “NO”, citing the Unwritten Rule that “Republican officials do not endorse fellow Republicans who are challenging Democrat incumbents.” That is absolutely UNCONSCIONABLE! Here the MassGOP is actively recruiting women candidates, and Matt has no concerns as to endorsing a Democrat woman running against our Republican candidates, but he can’t bring himself to endorse our women against Democrats! This is strike two!

·    Maura Healy has declared Massachusetts as a Sanctuary State. We have a Millionaires Tax that is chasing our people out of this State at the rate of 1,100 per week!  We have a law that requires driver’s licenses be issued to Illegal Aliens, which we all know will automatically make them registered voters! Because of the policies of these Democrats, Massachusetts has become a “magnet state” for Illegal Aliens.  Massachusetts is paying billions of taxpayer dollars for “lifetime vacations” for Illegal Aliens, and the Feds are not bailing us out!. There is no more money in the state budget to continue this insanity!  And we have Matt who is a “go along to get along state rep”. When asked about it, Matt said that Massachusetts needs these Illegal Aliens who will work the jobs that our citizens don’t. Presumably he was talking about seasonal summer jobs that are filled by college students and high school students. Matt’s position as to the Migrant Crisis is ABSURD, and killing our local economy! And this is strike three!

In his recent mailer, Matt lists six current or former Republican officials as endorsing him. However, not one of those Republican officials is a member of their local Republican Town Committee! In other words, there is no grassroots support for his campaign. A majority of the Republican Town Committees in the Plymouth & Barnstable District have already endorsed Kari MacRae. That is because they know that Kari is the true Conservative in this race, who will fight and lead the Resistance against the Liberal insanity on Beacon Hill. We are not sending Republican candidates to Beacon Hill to go along to get along. We are sending them to Beacon Hill to lead the Resistance!

Kari MacRae is a lifelong Bourne resident, an incumbent School Committee member, a small business owner, and an educator. Kari is a strong Conservative.  And it cost her personally!  In 2021, because of her Conservative position, she was unlawfully terminated from her teaching position. Judicial Watch picked up the story from news sources, and has stepped in to represent Kari in her First Amendment right to free speech lawsuit. She won’t back down, and she is prepared to fight for the rights of all citizens of Massachusetts! Once elected to the State Senate, she will fight tax increases, require legislative accountability, and oppose the Liberals from taking your civil rights, including your gun rights, and end this migration madness!

We are witnessing the absolute destruction of this state by Maura Healey and her fellow Liberal Democrats!  How is it that Matt can’t see this?  We do not need another Liberal Republican voting with the Democrats, going along to get along!

I ask you to stand with me to support and elect Kari MacRae as our next State Senator for the Plymouth & Barnstable District, in this all important Republican Primary, on September 3, 2024.

Your fellow American Patriot,


Jay McMahon

Republican State Committeeman

Plymouth & Barnstable District

To learn more and/or contribute to State Senate Candidate Kari MacRae visit here




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