MassGOP Chairman Jim Lyons Holding Regional Meetings in January for all Republicans to get updated on the lawsuits surrounding the attacks made against the MassGOP, as well as review the problems and proposed plans to move forward.
Lyons is going public. He’s scheduled a series of meetings across the state (see listing below) in which he will share the “intentional destruction of the MassGOP” as well as review the problems of the MassGOP and the plans to move forward. All scheduled at 6:30 p.m.:
All scheduled at 6:30 p.m.:
1/9: WORCESTER, 765 West Boylston St, 2nd Floor, Worcester (OFFICES ABOVE Dunks‘ on Rt 12, West Boylston Street in the Greendale section of Worcester)
1/10: ATTLEBORO, Grace Baptist Church, 1000 Oakhill Ave.
1/11: FITCHBURG, Fitchburg British American, 1 Simonds Rd.
1/12: STURBRIDGE, Sturbridge Senior Center, 480 Main St.
1/16: HANSON, Boss Academy,
782 Main St.
1/17: SOMERSET, Somerset Masonic Temple, 145 Pleasant St.
1/18: HAVERHILL, Roma Rest., 29 Middlesex St.
Mezza Luna Rest. 253 Main St.
1/23: MILFORD, Italian Vets,
4 Hayward Field
Check out BostonBroadside.com for updates/changes and and periodic posting of additional details from various court documents, depositions, and legal exhibits moving forward.
Prior to Lyons election, the MassGOP spent 98% of their funds on overhead, and a mere 2% on non-governor candidates. When Lyons edged out Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker’s pick, Shawn Dooley by just three votes, Baker’s clan declared war on the MassGOP, pulled out all money, and actively recruited, ran, and supported liberal candidates against Republican non-liberal candidates.
More info in the Jan. 3rd printed edition of The Boston Broadside.
Yes, that Dunkin’s parking lot in Worcester will accomodate the first two Republicans to show up, but what about the rest of us? Have you any additional parking avilable? What’s the plan?
Jim doesn’t have a club.
He voted for red flag laws that just today were ruled to be unconstitutional.
Do you really think parking is going to be an issue? Wouldn’t it be nice if it was. I am quite sure a large booth at an IHOP will be more than sufficient to comfortably seat every Republican who plans to attend. And you could all drive together in a mid seized vehicle.
Nothing in Western Mass?
Sturbridge is hardly Western Mass.
We had a very good crowd of RTC folks in Sturbridge. We had about 30 people from several RTC’s.
The meeting space in Worcester was packed with 70 people. The Baker/Doughty/Rino/Never Trumper faction showed up to disrupt the meeting. Didn’t work. They got abused there. Geoff Diehl and Sossa-Paquette backed Jim. The Rinos were told to their faces that they’re all gonna get primaried in their next State Committee races. Awesome!
Yeess i saw the meeting online and omg poor Teflon Don Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet my buddy. Later that night i left Jeff a private message. His poor little guy poor little dude didn’t deserve to get doxxed by that awful women how would she like it if someone doxxed her ass. Jim, Jeffrey and Goeff we must fight especially for mi Gente los Hispanos en esta Ciudad. Vamos Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet and Julian Sossa-Paquett a paliar pará nuestros hispanos
Thank/ gracias
Future political candidate
Yeess i saw the meeting online and omg poor Teflon Don Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet my buddy. Later that night i left Jeff a private message. His poor little guy poor little dude didn’t deserve to get doxxed by that awful women how would she like it if someone doxxed her ass. Jim, Jeffrey and Goeff we must fight especially for mi Gente los Hispanos en esta Ciudad. Vamos Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet and Julian Sossa-Paquett a paliar pará nuestros hispanos
Thank/ gracias
Jessie Romero
Yeess i saw the meeting online and omg poor Teflon Don Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet my buddy. Later that night i left Jeff a private message. His poor little guy poor little dude didn’t deserve to get doxxed by that awful women how would she like it if someone doxxed her.Jim, Jeffrey and Goeff we must fight especially for mi Gente los Hispanos en esta Ciudad. Vamos Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet and Julian Sossa-Paquett a paliar pará nuestros hispanos
Thank/ gracias
Jessie Romero
Yeess i saw the meeting online and omg poor Teflon Don Jeffrey Sossa-Paquet my buddy. Later that night i left Jeff a private message. His poor little guy poor little dude didn’t deserve to get doxxed by that awful women how would she like it if someone doxxed her. disgraceful we must back America first candidates
Thank/ gracias
Jessie Romero
RINO criminal cockroaches are scampering and yammering, because they know that the patriotic Lyons team will not give up. Howie Carr has been bought off and these fake groups like “Bay State Republicans” are a joke. People who are paying attention know the score.
Does anyone know what happened behind the scenes with Howie Carr?
I assume you mean how he ran marathon shows promoting liberal Republican candidates and backstabbed any conservatives?
Well, Carr network sure knows where the money comes from…
Just about half of Bay State registered voters don’t vote anymore. The National Republican Party abandoned Diehl and other candidates in Massachusetts. Few if any tv or radio ads. Tv or radio ads have been a must for 75 years now. If Diehl got 17 or 18 percent more votes then he might have won or at least come close to winning. Out of that more than 50% of Bay Staters who don’t vote, I think it reasonable to assume that 20 to 25% are moderate to conservatives. However, with the National Republican Party not providing funds for ads highlighting Healey’s poor record as AG on consumer rights and prosecuting corruption caused many apathetic voters to stay home on election day. Mr. Lyons can’t have success without backing for ads.
People should look at today’s Boston Herald. The Herald story tells that Wu, Pressley and Rachel Rollins could be the next U.S. Senator. Carpetbaggers and self servers dominate our political scene here now. If 15 to 20% more voted then many of these out of touch carpetbaggers would never win an election. Most of Massachusetts communities are working class with mostly moderate people. Wu, Healey, Pressley and Warren probably represent 20 to 25% of Bay Staters who think like them. As long as more than 50% don’t vote then these out of touch people will keep on winning and ignoring working people.
Mr. Lyons can’t win elections when he is abandoned and not funded.