The Graphics: Millions Spent, MassGOP Remains an Afterthought Under Chair Amy Carnevale



Not exactly a “miracle” as party chair proclaims.

As of Oct. 22, 2024, Republicans held 25 seats in the House.

For about 14 days following the death of Rep. Gifford on the 22nd, the Republicans dipped to 24.

On Nov. 5, 2024, the election restored the numbers for Republicans to enter 2025 with 25 seats in the House.

Where’s the “Winning” and “Miracle” that the current chair is touting?


2 Replies to “The Graphics: Millions Spent, MassGOP Remains an Afterthought Under Chair Amy Carnevale

  1. ……..Re Lonnie Brennan article

    Our hopes to savor and linger in the glory of our conservative victory across the nation, were dashed by
    the inevitable divisive comments of the Boston Broadside contributors.

    we will continue to loose R seats until we WORK to elect “grass” roots republicans. THAT IS OUR MISSION…..NOT criticizing one chair over another. we fourth generation conservative Rs in MA., realize that a TRUMP governor or a TRUMP senator will never be elected . all persuasions of republicans need to be welcomed under a huge umbrella…..WAKE UP …this is Massachusetts. put the pen down, close the laptop and get out and WORK ,,,,establish respect and credibility in your community , support or run for local office / commissions, i.e. school committee, advisory board, , send money, attend rallies and seminars, obtain signatures, distribute signs, stand out in the rain , send thousands and thousands of handwritten. pro trump postcards to chair Carnavale to forward to the midwest, as did our town committees ….
    essentially, piddling snide innuendos with colorful charts DO NOT support the Republican mission, NOR the success of ANY Republican candidate in Massachusetts.

    1. Sorry to hear your hopes are dashed by a simple graphic which shows the facts.

      We would have thought you would have looked at it, and instead said:

      Hmm, the Republicans gave a free pass (no opposition) to 159 Democrats this cycle. Perhaps we could do better?

      Hmm, the Republicans spent millions this cycle, and only increased by one seat in the legislature. Perhaps we can do better?

      p.s. If you subscribe, I hope you found some hope in the double-page map in the middle of the January paper reflecting the WINS, WINS, WINS by Trump in the state, by precinct.

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