President Trump’s Gaza Plan: A Colossal Betrayal

By Grace Vuoto

President Donald Trump roared back to office, capturing the popular vote, winning in seven battleground states and securing majority control of both the House and Senate. He did so based on a key promise: He vowed to make America Great Again.

Yet, a mere weeks into his second term, he has announced a policy proposal that is a stark betrayal of the America First agenda for which he was given a mandate. During a joint White House press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump advanced a bizarre plan to insert the United States directly into one of the most contentious areas in the world: Gaza, a territory he describes as a “hell hole.”

Trump suggested moving approximately two million Palestinian residents into Egypt or Jordan and taking over Gaza. His vision—or fantasy—is to turn the war-torn land into the Riviera of the Middle East, an area that will attract visitors from around the world. This would entail a massive rebuilding of the territory, much of it now either rubble or containing unexploded munitions. How is this project in our national self-interest?

In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier that aired in full on Monday, February 10, Trump further clarified that the Palestinians who are removed would not ever have the right to return to Gaza after it is rebuilt. In other worlds, he is openly advocating for the United States to violate international law, participating in ethnically cleansing these inhabitants from their homes.

What if they do not wish to leave? Is he going to force them to do so?

Apparently, yes, he will indeed. He states Israeli troops will clear the area and hand it over to the United States. Easy peasy: violate human rights and claim sovereignty over disputed land.

Trump has been rightly condemned around the world for this foolhardy, arrogant proposal. He is blowing up American capital on the world stage, acting as an arrogant imperialist rather than the head of a republic that is supposed to be based on the cardinal moral principles of liberty and self-determination. He is turning us into the biggest hypocrites on earth.

Trump also discussed the creation of new communities for these Palestinians—in Egypt or Jordan—without any commitment yet from these nations that they are willing to accommodate millions of people into their country. And what if these displaced, probably furious and bitter refuges, then commit terrorist acts there? Are we responsible?

Trump promised the American electorate that the focus of his presidency would be to secure our border and craft every policy in the best interest of American citizens. Ironically, his Gaza plan would create a vulnerable border situation in the Middle East that we would be directly responsible for—one that would make us prime targets for terrorism. In addition, while touting the importance of America’s borders, he seems to cavalierly disregard the borders of other nations like Egypt and Jordan.

For 10 years, Trump has promised Americans that his leadership marks a fresh start because we will no longer be involved in “nation building.” Yet, no sooner has he come to office than he is willing to embark on one of the wildest nation-building plans ever proposed. This is globalism on steroids—more fraught with peril than rebuilding Iraq or Afghanistan.

All that Trump needed to do during his meeting with Netanyahu last week is stand shoulder to shoulder with him, showing the world that America and Israel will work in concert for the security of the Israeli people. That would have been enough of a contrast to the previous administration that had a weak, meandering foreign policy. It would put Hamas and America’s enemies on notice that terrorism will not be tolerated.

However, Trump has now done the opposite, adding to the dangers the Israeli people face and we, now, embroiled with them. He has fueled anti-Americanism around the world, feeding into the worst stereotypes and perceptions about who we are.

And we have to ask the question: Is Trump a liar? Did he deceive the public when he promised to focus only and squarely on the needs of Americans? If he persists in this wild adventurism for a strip of territory Americans do not care about, he risks splintering his movement and damaging his presidency beyond repair.

Mr. President: Forget Gaza and focus on the American people. Keep your promise rather than morph so quickly into the very embodiment of that odious globalism we voted against.

-Grace Vuoto, Ph.D. is a political commentator and columnist. She can be heard Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am on The Kuhner Report WRKO-AM 680. She is also Co-host of “The Conversation with Stephen and Grace,” Saturday mornings, 11:00-1:00 pm, on iHeart’s WXTK 95.1 FM.

One Reply to “President Trump’s Gaza Plan: A Colossal Betrayal

  1. I’d like to think that Mr. Trump made that statement to upset the pompous, sanctimonious Europeans. The European Union frequently complains about issues and is quick to criticize the U.S.. Yet, they stand back and watch problems in Ukraine and the middle east. I’d like to think that Mr.Trump is telling them to step up and bring forth some ideas. Grace does have good points here. I am just happy that Mr. Trump is in charge and confronting the bad guys, both here and abroad.

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