The Olymp “icks”



The Olymp “icks”

By Alice Giordano
Boston Broadside Columnist

If the demented DEI drag-queen dastards really wanted to make a “social statement” in the opening of the U.S. Olympics, then why not spotlight the thousands of children being sex trafficked on a daily basis on the Parisian streets just outside the doors of the Stade de France.

Afterall, Thomas Jolly, so-called artistic director of the in-your-face shameful routine, said he wasn’t trying to offend  anyone at all, that it was (and I quote) his “aim to “create a ceremony that heals and a ceremony that reconciles.”

As the French say, “au contraire.”

Jolly clearly gets his jollies out of sullying up wholesome, family values. He waited for everyone to take their seats in front of their TV and then unleashed his cast of degenerative clowns. And then to add insult to injury, when called out for the perverted performance, had the overly-pompous audacity to use the patriotic motto from the  French Revolution  “Liberte Egalite, and Fraternite’  to claim he was reaffirming these values by parading lascivious lunacy across international television.

France, like many countries, is plagued by a flourishing child sex trafficking industry with untold victims of unspeakable acts inflicted against them.

In December, just before Christmas when kids should be making snow angels and anticipating the arrival of Santa, a charter plane carrying dozens of  children was intercepted at Vatry, a small airport in Paris. While still under investigation, French authorities say the children along with adults on board were part of a global trafficking ring.

In fact, according to a 2023 report by the U.S. Department of State, combating sex trafficking in L’hexagone is a grossly underfunded, undersourced, and under-prioritized endeavor. Albeit this is coming from an Administration who hides behind ice cream cones when it comes to thousands of missing children at the border.

But since Jolly says he’s so interested in healing and reconciling, why not a boho performance vilifying sex predators instead of headlining them.

Cue Marvin Gaye’s Save The Children, sung, of course,  in French.

Instead of indulging their warped affinities, why didn’t Jolly use his purported flair for fashion and skip the paraphilia-riddled routines.

Pubescent actors dressed in Olympic warm ups busting moves to a modern day rendition of France’s beloved opera Don Quichotte would certainly been far better received than a naked Smurf-like reject rolling around on a table, dreaming about his next round in ageplay.

Roll out actors robed as members of the National Consultative Commission for Human Rights swirling around European Yoga guru Gregorian Bivolaru, the perv who recently led Parisian police on a massive hunt after he was outed for running a  sexual exploitation ring as part of his organization “Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute.”

They could have even thrown some lipstick on Bivolaru likely without protest,  because no one likes a sex trafficker –  at least they shouldn’t.

And yet apparently blind to his queer eye, Mr. Jolly delivered nothing but his own little grooming skit.

To many Christians, especially Catholics that saw a sexed-up mockery of The Last Supper, it was a punch harder than mystery-gendered Algerian boxer Imane Khalif levied against Italy’s Angela Carini in the new Olympic category “Violence Against Women.”

At first, Jolly and his jackleg jollies insisted that it was not a Last Supper mockery, but instead some pagan Greek Mythology celebration.

Alas, the story has changed and it appears now, Jolly in his relentless commitment to the radical alphabet brigade, chopped down the cherry tree and lied about it.

He indeed — foolishly, in spite of global backlash from the very type of audience likely to tune into the Olympics against trans maniacs   like him — took the self-serving plunge and realized his dream of hating on people of faith.

He  forced parents to ask their kids to leave the room — likely a first in the 88 years the games have been televised, and in the process certainly made a “real difference” as a so-called artistic director.

Basically, Jolly and his gang of off-kilter thesps — globally trafficked all of us as an attempt to bite us on the neck and turn us all into voyeurist vampires.

Sorry pal. It didn’t work. Maybe you should have consulted with Allisa Heinnerscheid to have avoided your Bud Light moment.


Alice Giordano covered countless national headline news, breaking stories and leading political stories for The Epoch Times. She is a former reporter for The Boston Globe and Associated Press


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