by Alice Giordano
Boston Broadside Columnist

Out of all the tragic shootings that have occurred in America, there has only been one that the Democrats didn’t immediately seize as an opportunity to call for gun control and that was the recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Gun-hating liberals instead — quickly took to social media to complain about the alleged shooter – missing — the Republican presidential candidate.

Even an anti-gun U.S. Congressman forwent the chance to make a proverbial call to end gun rights and conversely opted to brazenly discount the outpouring for Trump.

As the community was still absorbing the day’s events including the death of firefighter Corey Comperatore, Colorado House Democrat Steven Woodrow smugly spouted on X: “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are.” Outrage ensued and Woodrow deleted the post and replaced it with unfeeling sentiment that he was glad Trump was okay, along with the usual, “well that didn’t go as planned” apology.

Then there was Tyler Barbieri, a top official with New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ camp. He found a need to belly up to his computer and post — “too bad he missed.” Barbieri quickly learned that it was — too bad — he posted his thoughts out loud. A major backlash followed calling for the budget analyst to be fired.

The unsurprisingly token punishment for the six-figure government-paid bureaucrat would be a suspension for a whole two weeks without pay.

On his LinkedIn page, Barbieri, who indicates he’s been attending Suffolk University for 13 years and going, wrote that he is “concentrating on improving my existing skills in communication (written and verbal) and also critical thinking.”

Perhaps he needs to concentrate harder.

LGBTQ+ podcaster Jess Branas, who happens to also be the district director for gun critic Pennsylvania Democrat Rep. Heather Boyd found herself canned for posting “A for effort.” She swore up and down that her post was a mere coincidence, and that she was really referring to steaks she just cooked up. What she certainly cooked up was a sizzling controversy for her boss, that is — former boss.

Just last year, Boyd took in $45k in campaign contributions from Everytown for Gun Safety and was also hailed by the national group Giffords Courage To Fight Gun Violence.

Perhaps taking the cake in all the hypocrisy is staffer to roscoe rivalist Mississippi Rep. Bernie Thompson: Jacqueline Marsaw. She thought it wise to urge via Facebook for the dead gunman to get some shooting lessons “so you don’t miss next time…” adding, in an apparent attempt to be cute — “oops that wasn’t me talking.” Aside from being chairman of the J6 committee, Thompson was also the sponsor of legislation calling for an end to Trump’s secret service protection. Talk about an “oops.”

Even mainstream left wingers in the news media squandered the opportunity to beat their contra-second Amendment drum and opted to pompously flex their Trump-loathing venom in its place. In response to the attempted assassination of Trump — Seattle journalist Ashley Nerbovig, who served on, of all things ProPublica’s Hate Project, found it fit to post on her X account “Make America aim again.”

Nervobig incidentally covered the 2020 elections for the Detroit Free Press, no doubt — objectively.

The cutting words of the assumably educated reporter sadly aligned with a sea of outwardly deranged social media posters. One Tik Tok user casually chomps on a piece of bread as she angrily chastises the dead Trump shooter for not doing what she calls “his one job.”

Another Tik Tokker posted a video of herself expressing disappointment as she exits a movie theater after realizing that Trump was not in fact assassinated.

“Just got out of the movies and for a split second I thought Donald Trump had been assassinated and I thought to myself,” she says, “This is the best [expletive] day of my life and then he wasn’t — so it’s the worst day of my life.”

She was as wistfully cavalier as if she were talking about how she was hoping for more butter on her popcorn.

But alas, it is not just loose-lipped politicians and zany zealots who have passed up the shot at peddling their gun gripes.

College professor Karen Pinder in, of all subjects — medicine — posted “damn, so close, Too bad.”

And the list goes on….

Just a few weeks after his love speech for Joe Biden, A-list actor Jack Black best known for School of Rock and the voice of Kung Fu Panda, openly laughed when his fellow band member lamented — not about the AR-15 rifle used in the attempted Trump assassination, but the bullets fired from it not hitting its intended target.

When he asked Kyle Gass, the other half of his Australian-band Tenacious D to make a birthday wish, Gass responded “Don’t miss Trump next time.”

Like Black, the audience also repugnantly chortled. This all came from the same duo who in 2022 put on a charity performance to benefit Everytown for Gun Safety.

Black wasn’t laughing any more after Australian officials called for him and his band pal to be deported and their visas revoked.

Apparently there is a charge for awesomeness after all. Summarily, the usual double standards of Democrats and their nary missed tragic hap to cry for the disarmament of Americans could not have been any more left naked by the attempt on the life of Trump and their reaction to it.

Like the ending in A Time To Kill when Matthew McConaughey’s character defense attorney Jake Brigance asks the all-white jury to close their eyes and imagine the little black girl who was brutally raped by two red necks — as a white girl — it’s hard not to ask this sea of pharisees not to close their eyes and now imagine that it was Joe Biden the shooter shot at that day.

Moral of the story — to Dems — guns can be good when they want them to be. Just like warm weather, straight kids, and pregnant women.

Alice Giordano is a frequent contributor to The Epoch Times. She is a former news correspondent for The Associated Press, The Boston Globe and other major media outlets.

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