Not A “Revision” — A Total LIE Now Exposed
New data shows 818,000 jobs the Harris-Biden administration claimed to have created over the past year don’t actually exist — the largest downward “revision” to employment numbers in 15 years.

It’s not a “revision” — it’s another Harris-Biden LIE being exposed.


That equates to 68,000 fewer jobs per month than initially touted — and includes 115,000 fewer manufacturing jobs, 104,000 fewer trade, transportation, and utility jobs, and 45,000 fewer construction jobs.


Illegal aliens, meanwhile, are still thriving, with 1.2 million native-born Americans losing employment over the last year as 1.3 million foreign-born workers found jobs.


It’s more confirmation of the Harris-Biden economy’s weakness — and further heightens concerns of an economy in freefall as unemployment rises and economists warn the U.S. may be careening towards a recession.


Of course, the Harris-Biden spin on jobs was always a complete fabrication. Two-thirds of the jobs Harris-Biden claim to have “created” are actually jobs recovered from the pandemic. In fact, labor force participation was far stronger under President Trump.


Americans, grappling with the Harris-Biden economic destruction every single day, see right through Democrats’ lies.


President Donald J. Trump led a Great American Comeback once before — and he’ll do it again.

Jake Schneider

Rapid Response Director

Republican National Committee

Follow @RNCResearch | @jacobkschneider

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