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Sweeping 2A Infringements Rushed Into Law Hits Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey with a Double Whammy

— A Federal Lawsuit and Call for Her Immediate Removal

Sweeping 2A Infringements Rushed Into Law Hits Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey With a Double Whammy

A Federal Lawsuit and Call for Her Immediate Removal

By Joan Quinn Eastman

Boston, MA – In an overtly underhanded political move, Governor Maura Healy abused her emergency powers to rush into law the most radical gun restrictions in the country.

In doing so, Healey undermined the efforts of an estimated 85,000 constituents who petitioned to suspend the law for two years until it could be put to a vote on the 2026 ballot.

In the wake of her tyrannical actions, Governor Healey has been hit with a federal lawsuit, and a call for her removal from office.

Mood in Massachusetts right now.

“Public servants have limited enumerated powers with special provisions for emergencies,” says constitutional strategist, Ron Bouchard of WethePeople2.us. “An emergency is what’s happening in North Carolina. Healey has chosen to invoke her ’emergency’ powers to ultimately harm, not help the people she has sworn to serve. She has to go.”

MA State Senator Peter Durant, a staunch advocate for all rights, made his position public on Facebook.

“A variation of this bill was killed last year. The entire legislature was put on notice that a law ‘modernizing’ an inherent right is unconstitutional,” reports Bouchard. “Still they moved forward and snuck it in.”

“Healey’s essentially banned everything that is legal in other states. She categorizes them as assault rifles when they are really semi automatics. It’s going to put every gun shop across this state out of business,” warns attorney Richard Chambers, Jr., of Chambers Law Offices. “She’s not only infringing on second amendment rights, she’s interfering with commerce. But most importantly, she’s interfering with equal protection. She’s not giving the citizens any due process. The law is not going to be valid.”

These key points are included in the federal lawsuit Chambers has filed against Healey in both her personal and professional capacities on behalf of local gun shop owner, Gino Recchia of Mass Armament, LLC. See the full complaint below.

“What she’s calling assault rifles people use for home protection and self defense. If you own one as a citizen, you can keep it for now, but you can’t sell it or transfer it to a dealer, and the dealer can’t sell it to the public,” says the Lynnfield lawyer. “It makes no sense. All these dealers are buying firearms from manufacturers like Colt and Glock. Now she’s stopping all those transactions along with all the money that was being made. Not to mention that the state will lose all that sales tax, too.

“So now all the gun shops in this state, like my client who made all his money on buying out of state, can no longer import anything, so they have nothing to sell. This law makes every gun store an island.”

Attorney Richard Chambers, Jr welcomes other gun owners and dealers to join as plaintiffs in the federal case. (Courtesy photo).

“Nice try Healey, but this law is invalid for many reasons not the least of which is that fundamental law states government cannot grant itself ‘emergency’ powers,” says common law educator Bouchard. “All powers must be expressly delegated by the people. Furthermore, the right to bear arms is a fundamental right outside the general powers of the government. Therefore it is null and void as is everything that is repugnant to the constitution.

“The people asserted that their constitutionally protected right to bear arms cannot be overridden by emergency powers or state legislation, emphasizing that these rights are inviolable and must be preserved. Her recent actions lacked any legitimate constitutional justification.

“If Healey believes she has such powers, the people require her to show by what authority or from where they were derived within the Constitution.

“It is our lawful right and duty to instruct our public servants to keep them in check. Thanks to our founding fathers, We the People are also able to ‘invoke’ powers to stop this tyranny,” explains Bouchard. “This is clearly defined in the fundamental law as an ‘act of treason.’ Reference the Maxim of Law: Tucker Blackstone (1803) asserts that any government official exceeding constitutional limits commits usurpation and treason against the people’s sovereignty.

“We never lost the power. We’ve just lost the knowledge of it,” says Bouchard who freely offers empowering weekly classes and more through Common Law Academy Wednesdays, at 7 pm ET.

Bouchard is also inviting participation, urging everyone to challenge this gross abuse of power and infringement of rights by notifying Healey that her actions have consequences.

Here’s how: “The masses must rise up and peacefully enforce a strict adherence to what is written in the law of the land,” explains Bouchard. “You can begin right now by taking a few minutes to read Healey’s lawful notice, and sign it electronically in seconds. Tyranny bleeds across state lines. And our rights reach across state lines as well, so anyone in the nation who wants to help protect our God given rights is able to sign it.”

Details on why Healey can no longer hold office due to the self-executing provisions of the 14th amendment, and why it is essential that We the People enforce it, can be found in Bouchard’s scathing indictment of Healey’s actions here: Republic.us

Passionate 2A Petitioner gatherers speak out to share their thoughts.

Click here for related article

The full federal lawsuit filed against Healey, Friday, October 4th, 2024:

One Reply to “Sweeping 2A Infringements Rushed Into Law Hits Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey with a Double Whammy

  1. We need to get a vote on the ballot so we can recall any political figure in Massachusetts.
    Democrats keep yelling no one is above the law…let’s hold them to their own words.
    If any official acts against the constitution we can immediately remove them from office.
    Let’s get signatures so in the future we can remove law breakers.

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