

Lynnfield, Mass.-based Attorney Richard C. Chambers, Jr. Esq. will present oral argument before The United States First Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday, June 4. The high-level court has taken up a local Massachusetts case that will affect every person who has deeply held religious beliefs  throughout the country.

Attorney Richard C. Chamber, Jr.

Regina Thornton (“Thornton”) was employed by Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Ipsen”) who implemented a Vaccine Policy and Mandated, that she had to take the Covid-19 vaccine or would be terminated. However Ipsen offered exemptions for religious or medical reasons. Thornton applied for a religious exemption, based on  her sincerely held Christian beliefs and her request was summarily denied. She was placed on un-paid leave, and ultimately terminated for not taking the shot.

Thornton filed a civil lawsuit in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Court asserting among other things that her First Amendment Rights were violated pursuant to Title VII and the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 151B.

Ipsen removed the case to the United States First Circuit Federal Court and speedily filed a 12(b) Motion to Dismiss stating that “she failed to state a claim upon which relief should be granted.”

Magistrate Judge Jennifer C. Boal granted a hearing and after arguments were heard she dismissed the entire case. With respect to Thorton’s religious claims the Court held that claiming “deeply held religious beliefs was not enough.”

Thornton filed a timely appeal to the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals asserting the Judge “abused her discretion by dismissing her case and particularly dismissing her religious claims.”

The First Circuit United States Court of Appeals scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 9:30 A.M., in the matter entitled: Regina M. Thornton (Plaintiff-Appellant) v. Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., (Defendant-Appellee), Case No.: 23-1951.

Oral arguments are set at the En Banc Session Courtroom on the 7th Floor at the Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, which is located at 1 Courthouse Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Attorney Richard C. Chambers, Jr. Esq. will be arguing on  Thorton’s behalf.

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