
It’s not over! Massachusetts Marches for Medical Freedom Saturday

It’s not over! Massachusetts Marches for Medical Freedom Saturday


Boston, MA – The people of MA are tired of medical authoritarianism dished out by their elected officials. Masks may be coming off but the voices of the people of Massachusetts are still be silenced by those who were elected to protect us.


“We’ve spent the past two years calling, emailing, educating, testifying at hearings and trying, often in vain, to get meetings with our legislators” says Julie Booras, a founding member of Health Rights MA, “but they just ignore us and do as they please. We need to fix what allowed this massive government overreach to happen in the first place. New protective laws must be passed and bad ones amended or repealed to protect the people and regulate corporations. Right now our lawmakers are protecting corporations and trying to regulate people. My whole life I took my right to make decisions about my own body for granted. I won’t do that anymore. We won’t stop fighting until we know it won’t happen again because we’ve fixed the problem.”


Join Health Rights MA, along with several other health freedom groups, as we take our message directly to the people of the Boston.


Mar 05, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST

Meet at RUGGLES TRAIN STATION, ROTARY, BOSTON, 1150 Tremont St, Roxbury, MA 02120, USA

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